Arts & Culture

All the Best Literary Screen Adaptations to Stream in 2021

All the Best Literary Screen Adaptations to Stream in 2021

Inspired by hip-hop, "Open Water" introduces a stunning new voice on vulnerability

Inspired by hip-hop, "Open Water" introduces a stunning new voice on vulnerability

Mary-Louise Parker Reprises One of Her Most Challenging Roles in 'The Sound Inside'

Mary-Louise Parker Reprises One of Her Most Challenging Roles in 'The Sound Inside'

Yo-Yo Ma's 'Beginner's Mind' Is a Musical Meditation on the Power of Art

Yo-Yo Ma's 'Beginner's Mind' Is a Musical Meditation on the Power of Art

In 'Playing Burton,' Matthew Rhys Sees Himself

In 'Playing Burton,' Matthew Rhys Sees Himself

Tavi Gevinson’s 'Life Skills' Masters the Delicate Art of Millennial Advice

Tavi Gevinson’s 'Life Skills' Masters the Delicate Art of Millennial Advice

Weezer wrote a song about Audible, and we'll never be the same

Weezer wrote a song about Audible, and we'll never be the same

Pianist Jonathan Biss Recommends a Concert of Audiobook Masterpieces

Pianist Jonathan Biss Recommends a Concert of Audiobook Masterpieces

 Rufus Wainwright Heals Our Malaise in 'Road Trip Elegies'

Rufus Wainwright Heals Our Malaise in 'Road Trip Elegies'

Alanis Morissette as She Is Today

Alanis Morissette as She Is Today

Angie Thomas on Tupac, Honoring Young Black Men, and What’s Next

Angie Thomas on Tupac, Honoring Young Black Men, and What’s Next

Desus and Mero Talk Knowledge and Growth in the Land of Humor

Desus and Mero Talk Knowledge and Growth in the Land of Humor