Dear Graduate,

So, you’ve taken your last final, walked across the stage (perhaps virtually), grasped your diploma with both hands, thrown your cap into the air, and snapped photos with your (now former) classmates. Congratulations! If you’re anything like me on my graduation day, you’re feeling, well, totally and utterly lost—and okay, maybe a little hopeful, I mean, you did get through all of those all-nighters and 8 a.m. classes where attendance counted—the real world can’t be worse than that, right?

Ahead of you lies days—no, weeks—of job applications, resume formatting, cover letters, bills, more bills, laundry, apartment hunting, frustrating talks with your parents, crippling self-doubt... okay, I’ll stop. Things are probably overwhelming enough as it is for you. First: Breathe! You will get through this. Then, listen to some advice from adultier-adults who have been there, done that. You’ll be just fine.

x Rachael Xerri, Audible Editor

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Take a Deep Breath

Maejor Frequency
Deepak Chopra's Mind Body Zone: Living Outside the Box
Self Care by the Moon

Welcome to adulthood—it's hard

The End of Adolescence
I Really Didn't Think This Through
Don't Worry, It Gets Worse

Take care of your mind and body

Be Well
If Our Bodies Could Talk
My Body, My Podcast

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get down to business.

Own It
What Color Is Your Parachute? 2022
The Financial Diet
Weird in a World That's Not
The Quarter-Life Breakthrough
Lean In for Graduates

Tune out with timeless classics

On the Road: The Original Scroll
The Beach
I Capture the Castle

Honorable mention

Oh, the Places You'll Go!